Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 12, 2016

Why is doves become a symbol of peace?

Why is doves become a symbol of peace? Keep reading to find out some more interesting information about them!

That’s a very interesting question. These gentle birds, that mate for life and take care of their young, were used as a peace symbol almost universally from the beginning of recorded history. The birds have always nested in areas close to developments with an unusual trust that they will be unharmed or even protected by humans. Egyptians were the first to record doves used in ceremonies to announce, to the people, the rise of a new pharaoh.

Central Asia also has a legend about two kings heading for war. One king calls for his armor and is told a dove has made a nest in his helmet. The king’s mother pleads with her son to leave the mother dove, a gentle bird associated with love, innocence, tenderness and purity, undisturbed.

The king agrees to leave the dove family and heads out to meet his enemy without protection. That might be one of the most awesome animal facts you had no idea before. The second king sees the king without armor and calls for a parley. Both kings lay down their weapons and talk. When the second king hears about the first king’s compassion for the mother dove he wonders if he has misjudged the man he thought was a tyrant. Both kings come to an agreement to seek peace for the two kingdoms instead of war. And the dove becomes known throughout the land as a bird of peace. 

In ancient Greek myth, Aphrodite, was often depicted with doves because She brought love and beauty and peace in which to enjoy the bounties of love. And the dove was the bird of Athena because it represented the renewal of life. How much do you know about tiger facts for kids ?

European superstition holds that the devil and witches can turn themselves into any bird shape except the Dove.

In Hinduism the dove is an emblem of the spirit, and the infinite capacity the spirit has for love.

Japan uses the dove with a sword as a symbol to announce the end of war. 

Some Native American cultures believe that the spirit of the recently deceased take the form of a dove. 

In America, perhaps the most well known depiction of the dove is from the bible. In the Old Testament a dove is released by Noah after the great flood to search for land. It returns with an olive branch to show that the Biblical flood has receded. The dove then symbolized deliverance and God's forgiveness. (Genesis 8:11). Take a quick look at funny pictures with captions that can help you reduce stress quickly.

These peaceful birds have woven themselves into histories of cultures all around the world through their gentle presence and fearlessness of humans. Their soulful calls and coos bring many people hope in a chaotic world.

Chủ Nhật, 20 tháng 11, 2016

Why Pigs Love Mud

Those who know about pigs will know the fact that they love mud, so what is the reason for this? Along with us discover the reason behind and also get other fact of life that are bound to interested to you.

Pigs roll in mud primarily in order to regulate their body temperature. This behavior is more commonly referred to as "wallowing."

As well as offering protection from the sun's rays, a coating of moist mud is crucial for keeping pigs cool in warm weather through gradual evaporation. This method is so effective that some have suggested wallowing as the reason for the limited evolutionary development of sweat glands in pigs. Pigs also wallow in cooler weather, indicating additional motivations such as the removal of parasites, and possibly marking territory with scent. Of course, pigs also genuinely enjoy wallowing for its own sake, showing signs of distress when farmers attempt to curb their behavior with anti-parasite medicines or air-conditioned barns.
How much do you know about tiger facts for kids? Let’s check.

Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 11, 2016

Amazing Pangolin facts for kids

Right here in this article, you can learn about all your favourite animals, and even some you may have never heard of: Amazing Pangolin facts for kids

Pangolins, often called “scaly anteaters,” are covered in tough, overlapping scales. These burrowing mammals eat ants and termites using an extraordinarily long, sticky tongue, and are able to quickly roll themselves up into a tight ball when threatened. Eight different pangolin species can be found across Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Poaching for illegal wildlife trade and habitat loss have made these incredible creatures one of the most endangered groups of mammals in the world.

1. The pangolin’s closest relatives are carnivores, but they are the only mammals that are covered in scales. That might be one of the most awesome animals facts you had no idea before.
2. Pangolin scales are made of keratin, just like our finger nails, and make up 20 per cent of their body weight.

3. The word ‘pangolin’ comes from the Malay word ‘penggulung’, which means ‘one that rolls up’. When it is threatened a pangolin will curl itself into a tight ball, which is impenetrable to predators. 

4. The mammal can consume up to 20,000 ants a day. That’s about 73 million ants a year!

5. Pangolins can close their ears and nostrils using strong muscles. This helps protect them from ant attacks. 

6. They have long, sticky tongues, which are often longer than their body and attached near its pelvis and last pair of ribs. If a pangolin fully extends its tongue, it is longer than the animal’s head and body! Wanna take a quick look at funny pictures with captions that can help you relax effectively.

7. Pangolins don't have teeth, so they can’t chew. Instead, they have keratinous spines in their stomach and swallow stones that help them grind up their food in much the same manner as a bird’s gizzard.

8. There are eight pangolin species, four Asian and four African. They include the Chinese pangolin (critically endangered), Sunda pangolin (critically endangered), Indian pangolin (endangered), Philippine pangolin (endangered), Cape or Temminck’s ground pangolin (vulnerable), tree pangolin (vulnerable), giant ground pangolin (vulnerable) and black-bellied pangolin (vulnerable). However, fossil evidence suggests that they evolved in Europe. How much do you know about tiger facts for kids? Let’s check.

9. Pangolins are hunted for meat, for use in traditional medicine and as fashion accessories. The large-scale illegal trade in Asian pangolins is drastically driving down their numbers.

Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 11, 2016

Amazing cycads facts for kids

How amazing it is! Let’s discover below amazing cycads facts for kids

  • Size of cycads depends on the species. They can reach few inches or several feet in the height.
  • Cycads have cylindrical woody stem without branches. Stem is covered with corky bark.
  • Crown consists of large, hard and elongated leaves that grow straight from the stem. Leaves are arranged in the form of rosette. New leaves appear in the center of the crown. Cycads have either pinnate (feathery) or deeply cut evergreen leaves. This might be one of the most weird facts about them.
  • Certain types of cycads shed their leaves during extremely hot and dry season.
  • Some species of cycads look like palm trees, while others look like ferns at the first glance. Despite similarities in morphology, cycads, palms and ferns are not genetically related.
  • Cycads live in symbiosis (mutual beneficial relationship) with cyanobacteria which are able to fixate atmospheric nitrogen. These bacteria produce neurotoxin that can be found in various parts of the plant, including the seeds.
  • Cycads do not produce flowers. Male and female reproductive organs develop on separate plants (dioecious). Male plants produce egg-shaped cones that are usually yellow to brown in color. Female plants develop ovules and seeds on leafy structures called sporophylls.
  • Wind and beetles are in charge for the pollination. Cycads produce specific smell which attracts beetles and ensures successful pollination. Still boring? Check out our funny images to get relaxing moments in your freetime.
  • Cycads produce small seeds that are covered with yellow or reddish flesh. Even though seeds contain toxin, they are used in human diet in some parts of the world.
Image result for facts about cycad
  • Cycads can be cultivated as houseplants. They can be propagated via seed or tissue cuttings.
  • Cycads are source of food for many animals. Larvae of certain butterflies and ants eat secretion from the leaves, cattle feeds on the leaves, while fruit bats eat seeds.
  • Cycads were used for the production of flour in the 9th century in India.
  • Certain types of cycads are known as bread trees because they contain starch which is important part of diet of indigenous people.
  • Leaves and cones of cycads are used in traditional Asian medicine.
  • Most cycads grow slowly, but they can survive over 1000 years in the wild.
If you have a keen interest in amazing science facts, keep subcribing our site to get more information about this aspect.

Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 10, 2016

Science facts: There are thousands of other planets out there and more

Here are some amazing news and amazing science facts as there are thousands of other planets out there and more

1. There are thousands of other planets out there.

We have eight planets in our Solar System. However, outside of our Solar System there are thousands of other planets. The extra-solar planets or exo-planets are in orbit around another star. So far we have almost 1800 confirmed new worlds, with another 3000 awaiting confirmation. Astronomers are looking to a star’s goldilocks zone for planets that may be habitable, just like the Earth. The majority of planets discovered so far are hot gas giant planets.

There are thousands of planets out there! This artist’s impression shows what those multiple Solar Systems might look like. (Image Credit: NASA/ESA/ESO)

2. In space the skin on your feet peels off!

This is a pretty gross fact but in the micro-gravity environment, astronauts are not using their feet to walk. Therefore the skin on their feet starts to soften and flakes off. As laundry facilities do not exist in space, astronauts will wear the same underwear and socks for a few days. Those socks then need to be taken off very gently. If not those dead skin cells will float around in the weightless environment.

3. On Venus a day is longer than a year.

This is tricky one to get your head around but a year on Venus (that is the length of time it takes to complete one whole orbit around the Sun) is 224.7 Earth days. However it takes 243 Earth days to rotate on its axis just once.

4. The astronauts were placed in quarantine after returning from the moon.

There is a famous image of President Nixon talking to the Apollo 11 crew consisting of Michael Collins, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. This continued until after the Apollo 14 crew returned safely. After this it was decided that the Moon did not contain any deadly diseases. The Apollo 13 crew, who had a malfunction and had to return to Earth, did not have to be quarantined after their re-entry as they didn’t actually walk on the moon. This is one of the most amazing facts ever.

5. One million Earths can fit inside the Sun.

Ancient astronomers once believed the Earth was at the centre of the Universe but now we know that the Sun is at the centre of our Solar System and our planets orbit the Sun. The Sun makes up 99.8% of the entire mass of the whole Solar System. One million Earths would be needed to be the same size as the Sun.

6.You become taller in Space.

Another change to the human body in micro-gravity is that spine straightens out, as gravity is not pushing you down. In fact you can be up to as much as 5cm taller in the Space Station.

7. Extreme weather warning!

Some times on the Earth, especially here in Northern Ireland the weather can be a bit rubbish! However our weather is awesome compared to some of the other planets. Jupiter has fast winds and the Great Red spot, a massive hurricane style storm, has raged there for the last 300 years. Mercury and Mars have extreme temperature changes in the same day. Venus is a scorching five times hotter than boiling water. Saturn and Uranus also have extremely fast winds. However Neptune has the fastest ever wind speeds reaching a staggering 1600mph!

Neptune the windiest planet as captured by Voyager 2 in 1989. (image Credit: Voyager 2, NASA)

8. Space is not that far away.

Space officially begins at the universal marker of the Karman Line. This invisible boundary is 100km above the Earth. In theory if you could drive your car upwards, you could be in space in less than hour.

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Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 10, 2016

Top rainbow facts for kids

Some of the most rare and wonderful science facts from all over the world. Keep reading  to find out some facts about our amazing rainbow! A rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. It takes the form of a multicoloured arc. Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun.

Fact #1

A rainbow is a multi-colored arc that forms in the sky.

Fact #2

How do rainbows form? Rainbows are created by both reflection and refraction (bending) of light in water droplets in the atmosphere, which results in a spectrum of light appearing.

Fact #3

The main rainbow colours in order are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet (the acronym or name ROY G BIV is also a good way to remember these colors as well as their order). Sir Isaac Newton identified the 7 colors of the visible spectrum that together make up white light. And all of which are present in a rainbow in the order ). Legend has it that Newton included indigo because he felt that there should be seven rather than six coloursin a rainbow because of his strong religious beliefs.

Fact #4

These 7 colours in the rainbow are just the main ones. Actually, a rainbow is made up of an entire range of colours, any colour you have ever seen, even colours you haven’t seen! Nobody sees colors the same, our eyes react differently depending on how much light there is. Therefore, some people may see more colors than what you see. This is one of the most amazing factswe've heard. 

Fact #5

In fact, a rainbow is a full circle of light. However, because of most people viewing a rainbowon the ground, we can only see a semi-circle or arc of the rainbow.

Fact #6

A "double rainbow" is where a second, much fainter arc can be seen outside of the primary arc. This is caused by the light reflecting twice inside the water droplets. As a result of this double reflection the colors of the second arc are inverted with violet on the outer edge and red on the inner edge.

Fact #7

No two people see the same rainbow. If someone appears to be standing under a rainbowyou can see, they will see a different rainbow at the same angle but further away.

Fact #8

A rainbow is not an object so it can’t be approached or physically touched.

Fact #9

Rainbows can be seen not just in the rain but also in the mist, in the spray of water from the ocean, fog, and dew, whenever there are water drops in the air and light shining from behind at the right angle.

Fact #10

Rainbows can also be seen during night-time. Moonlight can produce enough light to create a rainbow at night. This is a “lunar rainbow” or “moonbow”. Moonbows are rare because moonlight is not very bright.

Fact #11

A rainbow is not situated at a specified distance, instead it will always be visible to a person at the precise angle freshwater droplets reflect the light which is 42 degrees in the opposite direction of the sun.

Fact #12

A "fogbow" is formed by cloud and fog droplets, they are almost white with very faint colors visible. Fogbows are quite large and much broader than a rainbow. Here're not jokes to be funny, it's the truth.

Fact #13

An old European belief is that anyone passing underneath a rainbow would be changed from a man into a woman or vice versa. The idea that a pot of gold can be found at the rainbow’s end originated in old Europe. In a place called Silesia it was said that the angels put the gold there and that only a nude man could obtain the prize. Unfortunately, scientists says this is impossible to do.

Fact #14

Rainbows are the universal symbol of peace and harmony.

Fact #15

Most rainbows we see will be a "primary rainbow" whereby the red colour can be seen on the outer edge through to violet on the inner edge.

Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 10, 2016

Collection of funny pictures of the day with captions

Funny pictures are without a doubt a good choice to make you happy. Let's enjoy our rich source of funny pictures with captions as below and have relaxing moments.

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Really funny pictures of the day with captions
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Really funny pictures of the day with captions
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